webmate blog
89.1% of Support Tickets answered within 1 hour
WebMate is different to other ISP's

  • Multi-Award Winning service and support for over 25 years
  • No salespeople - so no hard sell or overselling - just good, honest advice
  • We own & manage our own state-of-the-art network and servers
  • Money-Back guarantee wherever possible to ensure you get the right service
  • Speak to friendly experts by phone or email without the jargon, anytime
  • No long contract tie-ins wherever possible, keeping things simple and fair.
17.33 seconds average call wait time
Typically 50-200ms Time to First Byte (TTFB) for Web Hosting
86% of customers choose to stay for over 10 years
9.9 / 10 average customer support ticket rating
99.999% Hosting and Email uptime