UK green website hosting

Carbon Neutral Web Hosting

A green internet service provider and web host that does it’s best for the environment with 100% carbon neutrality

low carbon footprint ISP
QAS approved ISP

Providing green web hosting and ISP services – doing everything we can to protect the environment within an industry which consumes a massive amount of power is important to everyone at WebMate. So as well as recycling, reducing our power usage and participating in environmental,  initiatives, both locally and worldwide, we offset 100% of the electricity and gas we use in our offices and datacenters – certified 19.32 tonnes of Co2 in 2018-2019. We’re constantly looking at new ways to be green.

Carbon Offsetting

UK Green Web Hosting - carbon neutral
UK green hosting service
Planting Trees

Trees are essential to maintaining our climate and biodiversity. Trees contribute to the global environment by improving air quality, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. We support international tree-planting projects – discover where here

green ISP in UK
Carbon reduction projects

We support a range of carbon reduction products from improving cooking stove efficiency in poorer countries to green energy initiatives throughout the world. Read about case studies.

UK carbon neutral host
Investing in Green Energy

We’re proud to help support green energy projects throughout the world from hydro-electric to wind turbines. Discover some of them here.

Our Internal Carbon Reduction initiatives

The internet consumes a massive amount of electricity for servers, switches and air-conditioning to keep the servers cool. To off-set the energy that we have to use that’s not from renewable sources, we buy carbon-credits to do our bit elsewhere.

As well as helping to fund projects around the world to achieve carbon-neutrality from the large amounts of electricity our servers burn, we do what we can in our offices and datacenters to limit our impact on the environment. So much so that our own carbon consumption has been reduced by over 50% over the last 2 years. These include:

  • All LED Lighting in our offices
  • Efficient Heat Exchanger to replace power-hungry air conditioning units in our offices
  • Replacing spinning drives with power-efficient SSD’s
  • Using lower-power CPU units for backup and non-essential servers
  • Our own electric BMW i3 Pool car for travel wherever possible (one of our biggest savings)
  • Choosing greener energy suppliers where possible, to run datacenters on renewable power wherever possible (currently around 30% of the electricity we use is from renewable sources – and were increasing this all the time).
UK green web host
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WebMate Environmental Policy Mission

Whilst we can’t actually run our hundreds of servers and switches on vegetable oil for practical reasons (although we’re still hoping), by carbon-offsetting and following our environmental mission policy, we can sleep better knowing we’re doing what we can to help the planet.

  • To reduce Carbon footprint in real terms as much as we can.

  • Offset remainder of carbon usage with genuine programs in the UK, US and worldwide so that we offset 100% of our electricity and gas usage for our offices, datacenters and electric pool vehicles.

  • Invest in Energy Saving technology where possible in office and datacenters.

  • Partner with suppliers who share our green commitments and values where possible.

  • Purchase 100% renewal energy where possible, including vehicle charging at base and remotely.

  • Recycle office waste as much as possible – including plastics, metals, paper and card.

  • Compost bio-waste where possible, include coffee and teabags.

  • Avoid printing and use digital communications and record-keeping where possible.

  • Encourage a culture within WebMate of environmental awareness and consideration for our planet at all times.

Green Web Hosting kidner to the environment

89.1% of Support Tickets answered within 1 hour
WebMate is different to other ISP's

  • Multi-Award Winning service and support for over 25 years
  • No salespeople - so no hard sell or overselling - just good, honest advice
  • We own & manage our own state-of-the-art network and servers
  • Money-Back guarantee wherever possible to ensure you get the right service
  • Speak to friendly experts by phone or email without the jargon, anytime
  • No long contract tie-ins wherever possible, keeping things simple and fair.
17.33 seconds average call wait time
Typically 50-200ms Time to First Byte (TTFB) for Web Hosting
86% of customers choose to stay for over 10 years
9.9 / 10 average customer support ticket rating
99.999% Hosting and Email uptime